Lucia and Chien

They told me they weren’t very romantic but I believe they are brimming with romance. A day filled with love, lots of laughter and shared amongst family and friends.

I believe when I couple finds the one they can truly take on the world and laugh at any challenges that comes their way. Lucia and Chien both are a happy go lucky couple with a can do aittitude in life.

Lucia + Chien = Love & Happiness.


LuciaxChienJD4_9565-lowr JD4_9582-lowr JD4_9584-lowr

JD4_9611-lowr JD4_9616-lowr JD4_9639-lowr JD4_9649-lowr

_73A3195-lowr _73A3203-lowr _73A3211-lowrJD4_9693-lowr

_MG_7728-lowr _73A3213-lowr _73A3218-lowr

JD4_9705-lowr _73A3220-lowrJD4_9725-lowr

_MG_7741-lowr _MG_7744-lowr

JD4_9808-lowr_73A3230-lowr _73A3236-lowr
_MG_7925-lowr _MG_7926-lowr

JD4_0151-lowr JD4_0203-lowr JD4_0214-lowr JD4_0284-lowr _MG_7960-lowr

JKL_4049-lowr _MG_8022-lowr _MG_8080-lowr
JD4_0379-lowr JD4_0385-lowr

JKL_4094-lowr JD4_0490-lowr JD4_0545-lowr



JD4_0562-lowrJKL_4181-lowrJD4_0567-lowr JD4_0611-lowr _73A3379-lowr JD4_0643-lowr JD4_1062-lowr



_73A3626-lowr _73A3746-lowr _73A3790-lowr _73A3820-lowr

JD4_1578-lowr JD4_1810-lowr JD4_1852-lowr